Monday - Friday : 8.00-16.00
Do you have any questions? Contact us at our customer service email - we will be happy to help you!
Company details
Full Care s.r.o.
Londýnská 309/81
120 00 Praha 2
IČO: 27254011
DIČ: CZ27254011
OR: Městský soud v Praze.
Spisová značka C 107917

About us
The Candy Store
A small piece of yummy heaven.
We at The Candy Store believe that everyone's got a sweet tooth - and not just for candy. If you're bored of the same old Tatrankas over and over again, we've got you covered.
Our aim is to offer our customers a selection of goodies - be it confectionary or general groceries, that aren't readily available in the Czech market. The markets that we import from are predominantly the UK, USA and now also Japan, Germany and the Scandinavian countries. Our portfolio ranges from chocolates, biscuits, sweets, drinks - soft as well as alcoholic, cereals, chips and much much more. You can order our whole range online or visit one our stores and check out our seleciton.